Buddha’s Garden, London
This sophisticated contemporary garden blends Japanese Zen and classical Mediterranean traditions to create a calming retreat that nourishes the soul and stimulates the senses. The structured formality is tempered by delicious colours and soft textures.
This tranquil central London garden was focused around the client’s 6’ granite Buddha. A reflecting pond, water lilies and stepping stones were introduced to complement the statue, evoking an ambience of calm and contemplation. An elliptical bench in concrete with an oak slatted seat curves around a matching table with waney edge oak. Porcelain paving produces a serene atmosphere. Planting is lush with a touch of the exotic. Japanese maples, cannas, and bursts of colour fill deep borders. All in all, an escapist paradise in the heart of the city.
Principal Winner at the BALI National Landscape Awards 2021 for Design Excellence. Photos: Copyright Richard Bloom