Water Features & Sculptures

Water brings life to a garden. Whether it be a formal pool or a natural pond, water creates an extra dimension in any garden.

We design water features of all shapes and sizes – from the sleek, the reflective and the sculptural to natural ponds for fish and wildlife.

We work with specialist contractors when necessary to achieve the perfect design.

Sculpture and garden ornamentation is very personal. We have extensive contacts and can source the perfect sculpture for your garden – be it an antique statue or a contemporary piece.

Placing new or existing pieces within a garden is an important part of a design. These can provide focal points or are to lead the eye through a garden.
Garden ornamentation is about more than simply sculptures. For example decorative screens and planters can be used to sculptural effect – and can be further enhanced with dramatic lighting.

Please get in touch if you would like to know more info@rosemarycoldstream.com